StudioBuilt™ Homes:
Innovative Housing Solution
Manufacturing Attainable Housing in America
330k sq. ft.
revitalized manufacturing facility
$14 million
in material & sub-contractor payments per year
200+ jobs
created in the city of Cuero and the surrounding area
600+ homes
built per year at full capacity

Opportunity Zones Help Increase the Supply of Affordable Housing
Opportunity zones can play an important role in helping to increase the supply of affordable housing for working families. That’s why The Amherst Group supports Opportunity Zones to help more families to have access to quality and affordable housing.
Amherst has invested millions of dollars to create the supporting infrastructure for building hundreds of affordable housing units and creating hundreds of manufacturing jobs in the process. In totality, Amherst plans to invest over $250 million in opportunity zones across the U.S. These efforts will lead to more affordable housing for working families, more manufacturing jobs, and stronger communities across the country.
Bringing Manufacturing Jobs to a Rural Community
Five years ago, Cuero’s textile mill closed, resulting in 275 residents losing their jobs. In 2021, Amherst purchased the land spending over $7 million with local vendors to repurpose the 330,000+ square foot factory into a StudioBuilt Homes manufacturing facility. As part of this renovation, Amherst removed lead paint and radioactive materials to make the facility a safe place to work.
In just its first year under Amherst’s ownership, the facility has already hired dozens of workers from Cuero and the surrounding communities. Employees are all provided technical training as well as specialized skills training on modular housing production, including framing and construction trades. When at full capacity, the facility will have created 200+ jobs making Amherst the 3rd largest employer in the area.

StudioBuilt™ Community Housing Designs

Workforce Housing Partnership with City of St. Petersburg, FL
Amherst converted vacant land into 13 new, property-tax producing duplex homes. Four of these units will remain dedicated workforce housing at below-market rent levels for 30 years.
Interested in bringing StudioBuilt™ homes to your community?
[1] Modular construction: From projects to products, (pg. 14) via McKinsey & Co. https://mck.co/3LkbrQS
[2] Alabama Manufactured Housing Association: https://bit.ly/3Lml3Lg