Overview of the Amherst Group
Covington, Georgia
Housing Market
Housing is a major driver of the Georgia state economy. The real estate industry accounted for $127.9 billion, or 18.7% of gross state product in 2021 . Over half the economic impact of the real estate industry comes from new home construction.
Georgia Needs More Attainable and Sustainable Housing
Georgia currently does not have enough homes for its residents.
The statewide housing supply gap is over 118,000 homes according to a report, in line with nationwide trends.
Georgia currently ranks 10th in the nation for the most severe housing deficit. The city of Atlanta ranked 9th in city and metro areas with the largest housing underproduction, falling almost 100,000 units short.
The median sale price of a home in Georgia was $366,900, an increase of 13.7% over the previous year. The number of homes sold declined by 22% as more Georgians become priced out of the market.
Amherst By the Numbers [1]
U.S. Market
Amherst Housing Solutions
Renovated Single-Family Homes for Lease
Build-To-Rent Communities
Housing Incubator:
- For-Sale Homes
- Studio Built Homes
Atlanta, Georgia
Amherst: The
Residents We Serve
The Amherst housing platform serves residents who:
- Want the flexibility and convenience of renting while in their household formation years
- Want the quality, space and amenities of a single-family home but cannot qualify for a mortgage
- Are younger, with larger families, and higher student debt burdens
- Have limited access to high-quality single family housing options
Average Amherst Resident Profile
3 Members
Per household
Years old
Household income
Average credit score
Our Impact in Georgia [2]
Our Homes in Metro Atlanta

Years in Market
Number of employees
Number of
Homes renovated
Years in Market
Number of employees
Number of
Homes renovated
Number of
Residents served
Residents utilizing
Housing choice vouchers
Number of
Residents served
Residents utilizing
Housing choice vouchers
Number of local
Vendors used
Total invested
in local vendors
Number of local
Vendors used
Total invested
in local vendors
Our Homes in
Renovated Single-Family Homes for Lease
- Amherst’s single-family rental platform provides growing families the choice of a high-quality home in communities of opportunity that they likely would not be able to access otherwise.
- Housing is an ongoing need, and we provide it in a way that is accessible, affordable, and supported by a full suite of resident services through our property management arm Main Street Renewal.
- Amherst is committed to revitalizing America’s aging housing stock. The average of the homes on our platform is 34 years old, these are homes in need of significant renovation:
- 74% of the homes we buy need more than $25,000 in immediate repairs
- 32% require more than $45,000
- None of the homes we purchase require less than $10,000 in renovations
Lithonia, GA

Estimated renovation cost at home purchase: $81,000
Amherst’s Housing Incubator
For Sale Homes
Charlotte, North Carolina
StudioBuilt™ Homes
- An innovative approach to housing development that utilizes industrialized, offsite construction to create new housing supply at scale without sacrificing quality.
- Amherst’s StudioBuilt™ Homes factory in Cuero, Texas and partner factories across the Southeast will create hundreds of new housing units every year.
- StudioBuilt™ homes are built in a manufacturing facility, which has major advantages over traditional construction:
- Innovative, sustainable housing supply creation with 40% less waste
- Safer & more efficient construction 50% faster than traditionally built homes
- High quality homes with 10 times more inspection points
- Meet all building & code requirements with customization capabilities
- Converts vacant & blighted lots into property tax producing, accessible housing
- 24/7 customer service & full suite of resident services
St. Petersburg, Florida
Build-to-Rent Communities
We acquire new-build projects as raw land, developed land, or at certificate of occupancy. We invest in these homes, with a focus on quality and sustainability, to ensure the availability of accessible housing stock for decades to come.
Benefits include:
Satisfying consumer preferences— added amenities & community safety
Solving the housing shortage— in 2021, build-for-rent homes accounted for 12% of new single-family construction
Promoting economic growth— Every 100 single-family homes constructed generates $12 million in tax revenue, and creates 290 jobs
Amherst Supports Our Residents’ Housing Stability
CARES: Industry-First Approach to Empowering Residents

We promote housing stability by:
Resource sharing
Social-emotional support
Amherst Values at Work
Our Residents
Our Communities
Our Environment
The Future of Housing
Housing Incubator & Studio Built homes
Amherst Gives Back
The Amherst Foundation
Seeks to strengthen the communities we live and work in, by contributing to organizations that provide critical social services for those in need.
[1] Data since inception and as of March 31, 2022
[2] Data since inception and as of July 2022
[3] Wu, Xiao, and Xiao, Do Wall Street Landlords Undermine Renters’ Welfare?, 2020. Kondo,
Andreyeva, South, MacDonald, Branas, Neighborhood Interventions to Reduce Violence,
2018. South, MacDonald, Reina, Association Between Structural Housing Repairs for Low-
Income Homeowners and Neighborhood Crime, 2021.
[4] Data since inception and as of August 2022
[5] Data since inception and as of Q2 2022